A. 1/2mgv
個答案既friction force 係act on downhill along the plane so power=(f+mg sin30)v=mgv.但係electical toy car 唔係因為識move,所以friction係向上咩(好似人行路咁)?姐係friction同mg sin 30 balance.power=fv=1/2mgv???
我知MARKING ANS 我係想問電動車唔係識自己MOVE,當佢MOVE果陣,果車輛比個BACKWARD force個GROUND,跟住果ground比番forward既friction force架車咩?姐係好似人行路個friction force係向前咁
都係得physcics8801知我問咩^^ 但係我想講就係話人行路隻腳係係向後,所以Frition force acted on foot係向前 我confused就係因為同年有另一條MC:
A horse pulls a block along a rough horizontal road and moves with a uniform velocit.which of the following correctly describes the directions of the friction from the ground action on the horse and the block
HORSE BLOCK a backward forward b backward forward c forward backward d forward backward ANS:C
咁係番果個case 當架車個wheel轉 比左backward force個地 個地比番forward force個wheel 唔係咩..i get confused;(