07年PHY CE MC 第31條

2010-04-18 3:04 am
An electrical toy car of mass m goes up an inclined plane of inclination 30。 with constant speed v.the friction acting on the car is half of the weight of the car.what is the average power of the car?
A. 1/2mgv
個答案既friction force 係act on downhill along the plane so power=(f+mg sin30)v=mgv.但係electical toy car 唔係因為識move,所以friction係向上咩(好似人行路咁)?姐係friction同mg sin 30 balance.power=fv=1/2mgv???

我知MARKING ANS 我係想問電動車唔係識自己MOVE,當佢MOVE果陣,果車輛比個BACKWARD force個GROUND,跟住果ground比番forward既friction force架車咩?姐係好似人行路個friction force係向前咁


都係得physcics8801知我問咩^^ 但係我想講就係話人行路隻腳係係向後,所以Frition force acted on foot係向前 我confused就係因為同年有另一條MC:


A horse pulls a block along a rough horizontal road and moves with a uniform velocit.which of the following correctly describes the directions of the friction from the ground action on the horse and the block


HORSE BLOCK a backward forward b backward forward c forward backward d forward backward ANS:C


咁係番果個case 當架車個wheel轉 比左backward force個地 個地比番forward force個wheel 唔係咩..i get confused;(

回答 (4)

2010-04-18 7:59 pm
行路隻腳係係向後,所以Frition force acted on foot係向前<<<所以可以向前行
但係因為向前行, a backward friction is acted by the ground on the pedestrian. So, the pedestrian will stop. If the backward friction does not present, he will keep moving fowward constantly.

其實我也不是那麼清楚的:P 試試想象溜冰的情況也許較易明白吧
2010-04-18 8:26 am
I think you have got confused. Friction always opposes motion. It could not propel an object forward.

When we walk, friction only prevents out feet from slipping. It is the force from our legs that makes us to move forward. If there is no friction, our legs couldn't exert any force at all because of the slipping of our feet.

Likewise, a car moves forward is due to the force developed by the engine of the car. On a slippery road, the force couldn't act on the car because of slipping of its wheels (i.e the wheels cannot grip firmly onto the road surface), thus the car could not move forward. In case friction is present, the engine could exert a force on the car by acting on the non-slipping wheels.

2010-04-18 00:35:52 補充:
Just imagine if friction did act upward along the slope, the force needed to pull the car up would be reduced when comparing with the case when friction was not present. In other words, a car would travel up a slope even faster if friction was present than if friction was not present....

2010-04-18 00:36:05 補充:
..... This apparently contradicts to common experience where a car needs more power (hence larger force) in going up a slope with rough surface.
2010-04-18 8:13 am
Sub the mass of the car be 10kg
-weight of the car = mg = 10(10) = 100N
-magnitude of friction = 100/2 = 50N

When the car is moving up the incline plane:
-the total downward force = mgsin0 + friction
= 10(10)sin30 + 50
= 100N

Since the car is moving in constant speed, hence:
-the upward force = downward force
= 100N

Velocity of the car is v:
By P=Fv


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