syllabus of GCE-A Level exam

2010-04-18 1:03 am
How can I obtain the Syllabus of GCE-A Level Exam which is to be held in 2011?

How many papers does one subject contain?

Is the Syllabus of HKALE similar to GCE-A Level's? or more easier?

(both Chinese or English are welcome, thank you)

回答 (1)

2010-04-18 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) How can I obtain the Syllabus of GCE-A Level Exam which is to be held in
>> 你可以係

上面搵到, 咁呢, 唔知佢而家出左2011 既specification未, 但係2011既同2010 既係會差不多的, 佢唔會改得太多.... 不過呢個都係英國既sllubus 啦, 如果係係hk 考exam 的話, 考評局應該係會有的...

2) How many papers does one subject contain?
>>AS 有3份, A2 有3份, 成個GCE a-level 有6份, 考完AS 先可以考A2.

3) Is the
Syllabus of HKALE similar to GCE-A Level's? or more easier?
>> 有人話係既, 會比較易一D, 但係個人覺得, 唔係易一d 既, 係gce 既問題, 比較straight forward一d... 但係而家都可以算係加深左難度了, 因為太多人有a,所以而家gce 亦加上左a*既system, 要90%以上既人, 先可以有的...

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

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