「It is proposed that 」 這一句(10分

2010-04-17 11:12 pm
It is proposed that ..................

做proposal 時 都會分開多個部份 而當中有些部份都會以這一句開頭

這裡的It is 其實係唔係冇特別既意思?

另外 It is proposed that 這裡其實是不是已經為一個句子??

個that 這裡有什麼用???



回答 (2)

2010-04-17 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is + adj/ verb (pp) + that (clause)是一種寫作句式sentence pattern
It is 是虛詞主語,本身沒有意思,作用是引述其後的 that clause。而that clause オ是句子真正的主語 real subject of the sentence.
因為that clause太長,作為subject 距離主動詞太遠, 為方便讀者, オ用 It is .....that 的句式
e.g It is good that you help the old lady cross the road..
原句實為两句It is good. You help the old lady cross the road.
合併兩句That you help the old lady cross the road is good.
但 That you help the old lady cross the road 與 main verb "is" 相距太遠。因此使用 It is ..+ that.......句式
that + clause 成為 名詞子句noun clause ,是在句中作為 subject 或 object 的
It is good that you help the old lady cross the road.
It is ..... that...常用於會議記錄/公函等, 除了上述原因外, 還有一個原因是避免提及是誰提出的, 而用這種被動語氣。
原句: Somebody proposed that all the staff would have to work overtime for the next two weeks.
改為 It was proposed that all the staff would have to work overtime for the next two weeks.
2010-04-18 12:59 am



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