
2010-04-17 9:01 pm

回答 (3)

2010-04-17 9:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on what system you using Desktop or Laptop?

for Desktop (PC)

you can press the [Enter] which in "Deep Blue "Color" (if you still use the keyboard come with the machine. After you press [Enter] key it take around 4-5 mins to get in to the Factory restore setup screen which will ask you "you want to repair the system" or "Restore to factory default"

if you select restore to factory default all your document and photo will be gone cause this procedure will format your Hardisk and reinstall the operating system. Your choice.

For Notebok it should got a function key named "ThinkVantage" it will bring you to the screen above also.

Hope the information help!


2010-04-17 13:47:42 補充:
I don't think so its not a router.

2010-04-21 22:03:31 補充:
can you give me your model number so i know where is the key.

on your notebook keyboard should got the thinkadvantage key (eg. close to your monitor) with different model the key location is different.

The screen you just bring should be the BIOS setup screen.
2016-10-23 8:53 am
2010-04-17 9:07 pm

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