Very import. Poll.....pls take part?

2010-04-16 9:27 am
Our first child is due very soon (due date next wk) we decided not to find out the sex of the child so we have a couple of boy/girl names that we like. However, the Childs surname will be double-barrelled.

This is where you come in......what order of surname do you think is better

a. Francis-Hull
b. Hull-Francis

You vote counts!

回答 (20)

2010-04-16 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. francis-hull
2010-04-16 9:28 am

Congratulations, by the way!
2016-12-03 11:26 am
particular can do, that is going to value greater even if it gets much less questions from customs...undesirable success whilst bureau of customs snatches one in all your "factors" then you certainly are screwed, this united states of america is extremely corrupt. yet then you certainly would desire to import piece by ability of piece...that is going to in all hazard take you months to a 365 days earlier you finished the full motor vehicle which brings to the subject of the place will you positioned the products? till you have a great storage and an rather good mechanic who's acquainted with which area is going the place, you recognize okay 70's vehicles have loads of those clips, bolts, screws, and assemblies no longer made or synthetic anymore and could be custom made, they wont in great condition back okay like they used to as quickly as you disassemble it.
2010-04-16 9:54 am
2010-04-16 9:34 am
2010-04-16 9:32 am
i like B.
Hull is a unique name. First names are often unique. Francis is a common and easy name to remember so it can be his nickname.
2010-04-16 9:32 am
defo A
2010-04-16 9:32 am
2010-04-16 9:32 am
francis- hull rolls better...................hope all goes well on the day ps (welcome to our world little one :))
2010-04-16 9:31 am
a. Francis-Hull
2010-04-16 9:30 am
2010-04-16 9:30 am
francis-hull, but it also sorta depends on what the first names are :D xx
2010-04-16 9:29 am
Def go with Francis-Hull, it just has a ring to it. Its cute ♥
2010-04-16 9:29 am
Francis Hull- it just sounds better
2010-04-16 9:29 am
2010-04-16 9:29 am
Definitely Francis-Hull

Hull Francis sounds a bit back to front (:

good luck with the baby

2010-04-16 9:28 am
A. Francis-Hull.
It sounds better and has a nice ring too :)
Hull-Francis sounds like 'Hell! Francis'
2010-04-16 9:28 am
2010-04-16 9:27 am
2010-04-16 9:28 am
b. Shorter one 1st is always classier.

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