
2010-04-17 5:42 am




回答 (2)

2010-04-23 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's best to change your HKD into GBP when you are in Hong Kong.
You will have a better rate if you book in banks in advance.

If you are in England / UK and want to change some HKD into GBP,
may I advise you to use the exchange services in only one of the following two points : 1) Post Offices in UK, 2) Marks and Spencers in UK

Yes, you can use your HK Credit cards to take GBP cash out from UK Cash machines, but the HK bank will charge you admin fee per transaction, and the exchange rate will be bad. Also, if you think HSBC or any other bank in UK have a good exchange rate ~ you will find you are wrong. M&S and Post Offices have the best rates if you are exchanging cash.

Last thing, a thing to beware of, when you are exchanging HKD into GBP in Hong Kong (ie: in banks), you may be asked would you like to have Banknotes in GBP 50 or GBP 20. I would advice you to have GBP 20 if you are just buying things, although it is of smaller value and you will need to carry more banknotes, most shops in UK will be more happy to accept GBP20 bank notes. If you use GBP50 notes, the shops will check and examin it very carefully, and may use up some of your shopping time.

Hope the information above is useful.
參考: Myself
2010-04-17 3:10 pm
現金兌換係供求關係, 香港銀行需要港幣, 你俾港幣佢地換英鎊對佢地有利。 所以會俾多D 英鎊你。 但你到了英國, 用港幣到英國的銀行換英鎊, 佢地要咗你嘅港幣無咩用, 所以就唔會換多D英鎊俾你。
其實去旅行, 袋住大量現金係不安全。 最好就係帶提款咭, 到英國提款機提取英鎊, 你嘅銀行會在你戶口扣取相當嘅港幣。 個匯率很最好。 到提款機取錢係按次收手續費。
如果你有中國建設銀行嘅提款咭, 在英國Barclays 嘅提款機提款(在倫敦通街都有), 免收手續費。
我去歐洲, 北美, 南美, 日本旅行都係帶提款咭, 方便又安全, 一落機就可以在機場提款。不過如果你有兩間不同銀行嘅提款咭就最好, 萬一一張有問題都可以用第二張。 同時你在去旅行前, 最好到銀行講聲你要去旅行, 否則佢地以為有人偷咗你張咭去外國用。

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