First thing first, it will be a complete Ass to transfer your Degree to US Universities.
You may think US is better, well, that's only true if you enrol in top 20 University iN US, if you cannot, itactually worse.
Onto your question.
University in US may not recgonise your Diploma in Australia, unless you done very good in year 2 (Credit average or above), you have absolute no chance to transfer to US Universities.
In term of hospitality, Both US and Australia have not got a very bright future, Europe, on the other hand, does. So why go change to a place which may not recgonise your qualification, study for longer and have the same prospect than where you already are?
P.S, American English is not at all better than Australian English, i speak both fluently, i don't think the different is big, nor can i say which one is better
我今年已經21years old,讀完美國出黎會5會好老呢??
People normal graduate from Uni at your age, if you just start at 21, then yes, you would be too old when you come out.
Again, no.......
You may not needto Do english Class again, if you got TOEFL right, and you MUST Take TOEFL as you are still a Non-English Speaking Student. It won't change unless you graduate in Australia, successfully migrated and claim Citizenship in Australia.
2010-04-19 09:32:20 補充:
[email protected]
Dude, i Said if you enrolin Anything less than Top 20 will be worse, not necessarily mean UC Berkeley is a bad university, no siree........
I said it is worse cos there are now, 3 univeristy that are higher ranking than Berkeley and 1 that is comparable
2010-04-19 09:34:01 補充:
3 Universities*
And those are
-ANU (17)
-University of Melbourne (36)
-University of Sydney (36)
Then it's UC berkeley (39)
And University of Queensland (41) is comparable
2010-04-19 09:36:12 補充:
Why go UCB when you can stay and study in better University? That's what i mean worse
參考: I am an Australian and American Citizen, did my university in UNSW.