can an illegal fly within the us?

2010-04-16 3:58 am
I have asked this question before but got some real bad answers. Please if you don't no don't be rude. Let me start by saying of course we tried to get him legal and we still are. I have seen so many lawyers and payed out so much its not as easy as you think. We want to fly from NYC to FL on vacation can an illegal fly with a passport from his country within the US. Now I do no people that have done this with no problem but this was before 9/11 and now they are more strict with ID. Please only answer if you can help Thank you.

回答 (5)

2010-04-16 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
To answer your question, the Department of Homeland Security has instructed the Transportation Security Administration (airport screeners) to check ALL foreign passports presented as ID for the presence of a visa and valid I-94. If the screener can't find a visa and valid I-94 they will hold the passenger for a CBP or ICE Officer to determine the passenger's status. Many, many illegal aliens have found this out the hard way and found themselves deported.
2010-04-16 8:59 am
I'm undocumented, when I was less than 18 years old, I just showed my high school ID - they didn't care. When I tried flying at the age of 19, I tried to show my college ID and they asked if I had a credit card or some other ID that was a little difficult to get - I didn't. They took me to their offices or something and then had me fill out a form with my name and reason why I didn't have an ID. Then they called some places up, asking me questions ranging from where I live to what high school I attended. Final question was, "What's your high school mascot?" and I answered, then they said, "identity confirmed to the phone" and stamped the paper I filled out. This was one of the most embarrassing moments I had ever endured in my life, and it was really tedious - took around 45 minutes(thankfully i had a long layover). I've also heard of airports doing "secondary screenings" which is they pat you down in front of everyone and let you go, as long as you have some sort of picture ID, but most airports stopped doing that and they do what I had to go through.
2016-12-12 6:56 am
as long as you've a valid identity, you could go back and forth with the German passport. I doubt that they had observe that there develop into no longer get entry to stamp. you're the following with out modern-day papers - and could be held for deportation at any time.
2010-04-16 6:12 pm
yes, he could show his matricula and he should be fine.
2010-04-16 4:01 am
it depends on what he is flying in

a commercial airline will want to see identification before he is allowed on an airplane, if he has none then he probably will not be allowed on an airplane

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