Does freezing food preserve it past its expiration date?

2010-04-15 5:42 pm

回答 (6)

2010-04-15 5:53 pm
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yes, but according to Good House Keeping there are a couple of items you shouldn't freeze like:

Salad greens and crisp raw vegetables to be used in salads and sandwiches, Eggs, Creamed cottage cheese, Sour cream, Heavy or whipping cream, Potatoes
2016-06-01 11:57 am
long frozen food stay good expiration date
2010-04-15 11:39 pm
if in doubt through it out
2010-04-15 5:45 pm
Yes as long as it is fresh when frozen
參考: housewife 38 years
2010-04-15 5:45 pm
You can freeze on last day of sell by/ use by date.
Then when you de-frost overnight you cook on the day after.
2010-04-15 5:43 pm

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