請教 2007 Physics MCQ14, 43,help

2010-04-16 4:58 am
請問可教 2007 ce Physics MCQ14, 43 的做法? thx

請詳細一點, 謝

回答 (3)

2010-04-16 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
sin50deg = n2 sinr
n2 = sin50deg/sinr
sin r = n2 sin 35deg
sin r = sin50deg sin 35 deg/sinr
sin^2 r = sin 50 deg sin 35deg
r = 41.5 deg (corr to 3 sig fig)
Smaller, because at that time, an attractive force by magnet is acting on the copper. The force will partially decrease the weight of the copper.
Answer: C

2010-04-15 21:47:53 補充:
Sorry I see the magnet gogin upwards = =
Actually, since the magnet going downwards,
Since there should be a repulsive force for repelling the copper downwards.
A force is added to the weight, therefore the copper is heavier and the reading goes greater.
參考: Hope can help you^^”
2010-04-16 5:22 am
thx for helping but Q43 should be answer D

2010-04-16 15:11:02 補充:
both are helpful

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