
2010-04-16 4:26 am
Section shows cervical tissue in fragments. The intact fragments
show inflamed stroma and dysplastic glandular epithelium forming irregular glands. These are features of adenocarcinoma-in-situ of the cervix. Desmoplasia is not seen and there is no associated incasive component. Some glands show cribriform apperence. Only very focal area shows scanty squamous with degeneration. High grade squamous lesion is not noted.

回答 (2)

2010-04-16 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
部分的子宮頸細胞顯示成碎片/斷/裂。完整碎片/斷/裂顯示有發炎的開口/裂口和由異變的腺體內壁形成的不規則腺體。 這些是腺(子宮頸內的)癌的特點。沒有驗到硬纖維化的現象。而且沒有有關incasive(係咪invasive?即係入侵性)的組織。有些腺體有篩狀的外觀。只有很集中的範圍(範圍不大)顯示有很少扁平及退化。沒有驗出高等級的(嚴重的)扁平損傷。
參考: 自己(護士學生)
2010-04-16 7:22 am

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