學術名稱 - BA / BBA / BSc

2010-04-15 5:25 am
請問有人話以前o你大學係讀BA, 即係話o係大學讀咩野/咩野科目? 另外, 咭片上名稱則有"BA" / "BBA" / "BSc" - 呢個即係o係大學讀咩科目??? 謝謝~

回答 (3)

2010-04-15 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
BA = Bachelor of Arts (文學)
BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration (工商管理學)
BSc = Bachelor of Social Science (社會科學)

2010-04-15 13:58:33 補充:
Ar, sorry that I have made a mistake

BSc = Bachelor of Science (理學士)

thanks for fpchung888
2010-04-15 4:23 pm
Raymond made a mistake. BSc is Bachelor of Science (not Social Science).
Bachelor of Social Science is BSoc.
2010-04-15 5:42 am
BA 係文學士,BBA 係商學士,而 BSc 係 Bachelor of Science (理學士),大學有好多科目都有分文科同理科,例如BSc in computing 同 BA in computing等,理科比較着重原理同科學,而文科着重應用同發展。

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