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Firstly, what is 激素 or hormones?
hormones are chemical messenger secreted from the brain and tell the body to do what it suppose to do.
as far as male hormones, or 雄激素, or Androgen, is concern, when androgen is release to the system, it will tell the body to develops according to male specification. i.e. increase muscle mass, increase aggressiveness, denser bones, better coordination, increase production of sperm and so on.
a funny fact is the male sex hormones were produce with female hormone as precursor.
Female do have androgen, however in a much less concentration then the male.
naturally, you probably can not 吸取 or intake androgen, it is something to be produce by the body.
medically, the conditions that need androgen injection is rare, and the side effects are serious, so buying it off from doctor may not be easy.
Sport wise, because the androgen can be consider as performance enhancer, as a result, many sport man use it illegally.
you probably can only obtain the androgen injection illegally...