2010-04-14 2:09 am
ok so im 15 got my eyebrows waxed for the first time because i had them big.i got done and i didnt like them its not me. i got home and notised that one is longer and one is a little bit shorter and one is a little bit fuller not dramaticlie idk if someone else sees it one friend of mine did shes says not that much just a little but im just so stressed is it fixabel letting it grow back will it grow back normal?my mom says they look slightly diffrent but that they look good but its on my mind all day am i just overreacting theres no bald spots but one shorter and ones fuller?ahh plz help

回答 (4)

2010-04-14 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your eyebrows will grow back. Just leave them alone for now. Nature will take its course and your brows will be back to normal.

Hair takes some time to grow back and so I suggest you to have some faith in your friend and mother -- they would've told you so if your brows were truly hideous. No need to stress yourself so much :)

If you really cannot live with the tiny differences, you could fill in the shorter / less full brow with eyeshadow of matching color. Use a thin brush and gently dab on your brow. Remember, you just want to add a bit of color so don't put too much! ;)
參考: Years and years of experience with makeup & skin-care.
2010-04-14 2:16 am
well you can go to this blog and you can get lessons on how to do your make-up/eyebrows and get tips. and it has alot of great info. go to www.sweet-howtoapplymake-up.blogspot.com
2010-04-14 2:14 am
Hi! You should buy the clinique brow shadow. It doesn't go on so harsh like a pencil and you can fill in the areas where your missing hair and it looks super natural. Good Luck
2010-04-14 2:11 am
Calm down. You can fix them with tweezers so they are more even for now, and like all other hair, unless you have laser removal, they will grow back the way they were, usually in about two weeks. Just find a pair of tweezers and a mirror and pluck them until they seem more even to you.

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