電熱水爐 ?

2010-04-14 6:14 am
最近更換咗zing盤嗰混合水制後 , 唔知點解到每次一開水喉個熱水爐好响 , 成層樓都聽到 , 唔知會唔會喺關個壓力bout事 , 又唔知揾乜師父修理 ,真係好煩 , 請問有乜辦法 ?

回答 (3)

2010-04-14 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
--would it be the cold water arrive to the sink before the hot water does?
if you has a value that control the cold water to the sink (usually locate under
the sink), you can adjust that value a little bit to see if it solve your problem
2010-04-14 6:47 am
在家裡有一些水喉總掣或分掣, 你可先自行調較大小流量; 相信會有幫助.
2010-04-14 6:18 am

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