”抱抱” 口語式英文

2010-04-14 5:34 am

Do you want "抱抱"


謝謝大家的回應。但我的小女是十個月大,我的是意思是抱起她,讓她坐在我的手臂上。這個行為是不是英文hug的意思呢? Hug是不是純指「擁抱」呢?

回答 (8)

2010-04-14 5:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ehh- how come no one answered the question as it was asked???

'Do you want a hug?' - as simple as that!

I wouldn't command a little to 'give' me a hug, they need respect, too! Unless, of course, you're her mum or dad.

2010-04-15 17:26:29 補充:
Ahh! In that case you can say:
'Can I pick you up?' / 'Do you want to be picked up?'
Or even jokingly:
'Hey - let me pick you up!' / 'Alright, let's pick you up.'

2010-04-15 17:27:42 補充:
So the action of 抱起她 is 'pick someone up'. This phrase can also mean to pick girls/boys up from parties or bars etc.

2010-04-15 17:29:16 補充:
Yes - and I apologise for having bad chinese comprehension skills...
參考: Yours truly
2010-04-15 12:13 am
do you want a hug?
2010-04-14 6:18 pm
Wanna a hug?
2010-04-14 2:57 pm
Good girl, come and hug me!
Good girl, have a hug!
Good girl , give Dad a big hug!
Good girl, hug me!
2010-04-14 6:49 am
Do you want to get a hug,is the best.
參考: me
2010-04-14 5:54 am
HUG ME^^意思是 抱我
參考: ME
2010-04-14 5:37 am
應該講 "Give me a hug!" 意思即係俾我抱下!
2010-04-14 5:35 am
Do you want yo get a hut?

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