
2010-04-14 1:37 am

1. 假高速﹕廣深港高鐵香港段只是假高鐵,因為全程使用地底隧道,香港至福田又只有30公里,加速不久後又須減速。因此香港段平均車速僅130公里,與內地段的350公里有近3倍差距,車速與普通鐵路接近。
2. 假廣州︰將來的所謂「廣州站」其實位於番禺郊區,到廣州天河商業中心的人要轉乘十幾個站地鐵:吊腳西九站 + 48分鐘「高鐵」車程 + 15分鐘邊檢 + 40分鐘轉車 = 廢鐵。
3. 新界人「得物無所用」﹕政府估計,高鐵主要客量為往來深圳及廣州,八成半列車往來此兩地,但現時新界居民已有多種方法往來珠三角,不會愚蠢到先南行至西九龍,再乘高鐵北上。

4. 有錢人玩意﹕高鐵票價高昂,接近飛機,單程往北京,大約為$1200,不是普通人負擔得起。

5. 炒高樓價﹕總站設於西九,不方便過半香港人,只為炒高西九龍一帶的天價豪宅群。

6. 低估造價﹕高鐵全程於地底興建,有太多工程上的變數,工程界已預期最終必會超支。

7. 高估客量﹕深港西部通道、落馬州支線、大欖隧道、西鐵和機場快線等,均高估客運量/車流量,造成嚴重的浪費。目前政府估計高鐵在2016年的日均使用人次有99000,若再次估計錯誤,則政府需要長期補貼營運開支。

8. 無視另類方案﹕民間「新高鐵專家組」建議的錦上路方案,可節省300億公帑,換來同樣快捷的服務,但政府為了維持權威,肆意抹黑新方案,拒絕獨立專家作比較研究。

9. 缺資訊,沒諮詢﹕政府和負責設計和營運的港鐵一直沒有就高鐵規劃向公眾提供充份資訊,更沒有諮詢公眾。港大一月初的最新民調顯示,只有16%巿民認識高鐵爭議。

10. 毀人家園﹕高鐵徵用石崗菜園村蓋車廠和緊急救護站,幾百名村民失去五、六十年的家園,政府的賠償方案令社區和村內大家庭分散,長者晚年頓失依靠。

11. 危樓炸彈︰高鐵計劃以巨型鑽挖機在大角咀14幢短樁或無樁舊樓的地底鑽隧道,隨時會導致沉降破壞樓宇結構,但政府一直隱瞞居民。

12. 破壞新界地下水系統:高鐵全程於地底鑽挖,破壞錦田及米埔農業生態地帶的地層,可能令地下水位下降,破壞生態。

13. 大量廢料︰鑽挖隧道將挖出泥石廢料近千萬立方米。廢料不單會填滿香港的廢料區,更要將當中五百萬立方米輸出台山,禍及他人。

14. 政府方案問題多多,市民沒共識﹕高鐵的定線、客量、效益評估等方面已受到多番質疑。一地兩檢未落實,日後高鐵乘客隨時要在邊境下車過關,嚴重影響效率。總站設於西九龍,又會導致九龍大塞車。港大民調發現,反對或要求擱置西九龍總站方案的市民有45%,與支持者不相上下。

15. 669億可以花得更有意義:回購領匯、東隧和西隧;興建公屋、居屋;發展社區及綠色產業等,都是更加善用公帑,更受市民歡迎。

16. 重複建設:近年政府瘋狂興建跨境基建,廣深港高鐵之後還有港珠澳大橋、蓮塘新口岸和深港西部快線等。跨境基建供過於求,淪為政治形象工程,浪費大量公帑。

17. 高鐵創造就業職位不多:高鐵花669億,只能創造11000個職位,而且全程於地底進行,參與的建築工人必須持有特別牌照。反而興建公屋,一幢僅1億元,就可以創造100-150個職位。撥300億建公屋及居屋,已經有近50000個職位。

18. 城市規劃要更民主﹕從利東街重建、深水埗重建、天星、皇后到菜園村的抗爭,市民愈來愈體會到,城市規劃制度必須更民主,城市空間才不會被有錢人壟斷。

19. 不義立法會撥款自肥:功能組別佔去半數,這些並非代表人民的議員,怎會有資格替香港人決定669億元公帑如何使用?功能組別來自各個既得利益集團,多人已被揭發與高鐵項目有利益衝突,例如何鍾泰就是將競投高鐵項目的中國建築的受薪董事。

20. 阻礙西九文化區建設︰高鐵徵用西九文化區一半土地,限制了文化區的設施建設。港鐵最快到2015年才將地盤還給西九文化區管理局,文化區工程將被延誤。

回答 (4)

2010-04-14 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. false high speed: Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-iron is false, because the whole use ferric underground tunnel, between Hong Kong and Fukuda and only 30 km/h, speed shortly to slow down. Therefore, the Hong Kong section only 130 km/h average speed, and inland of 350 km there are nearly 3 times the difference in speed and normal railway near

2. false Guangzhou: the future of the so-called "railway station" located in the suburb of Panyu, Guangzhou, China business people to ride a dozen station subway: suspending West Kowloon Station + 48 minutes "iron" by car + 15 minutes about + 40 minute interchange = scrap metal.

3. the new territories "elephant": the Government estimate, the main passenger volume for Shenzhen and Guangzhou, 85% of the train between the two places, but in the New Territories residents have multiple methods with the Pearl River Delta, will not be stupid enough to continue South to West Kowloon, and then take the high city.

2010-04-13 17:47:17 補充:
4. the rich Gadgets: high speed rail fares are very high, close to the aircraft, one way to Beijing, approx. $ 1200, is not an ordinary person can afford.

2010-04-13 17:47:34 補充:
5. the speculation in property prices: Terminus located in West Kowloon, Hong Kong people are not convenient half, only speculation Kowloon luxury apartments.

2010-04-13 17:47:40 補充:
6. total cost: iron and underestimation of the underground construction, there are too many tasks the variables, the engineering sector is expected to eventually will

2010-04-13 17:49:07 補充:
7. an overestimation of passengers are overestimating the passenger/vehicle traffic, resulting in serious wastage. At present, the Government estimated that the high-speed rail in 2016 day attendance 99000, to estimate the error again, the Government required long-term subsidies operating expenses.

2010-04-13 17:50:21 補充:
8. regardless of the alternative proposal: folk "expert group on the new high speed rail proposed Kam Sheung Road scheme can save 300 billion of public funds, in exchange for the same quick service,
參考: Me
2010-04-14 7:58 pm
2010-04-14 2:13 am
1. false high speed: Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-iron is false, because the whole use ferric underground tunnel, between Hong Kong and Fukuda and only 30 km/h, speed shortly to slow down. Therefore, the Hong Kong section only 130 km/h average speed, and inland of 350 km there are nearly 3 times the difference in speed and conventional rail.

2. false Guangzhou: the future of the so-called "railway station" located in the suburb of Panyu, Guangzhou, China business people to ride a dozen station subway: suspending West Kowloon Station + 48 minutes "iron" by car + 15 minutes about + 40 minute interchange = scrap metal.

3. the new territories "elephant": the Government estimate, the main passenger volume for Shenzhen and Guangzhou, 85% of the train between the two places, but in the New Territories residents have multiple methods with the Pearl River Delta, will not be stupid enough to continue South to West Kowloon, and then take the high city.

4. the rich Gadgets: high speed rail fares are very high, close to the aircraft, one way to Beijing, approx. $ 1200, is not an ordinary person can afford.

5. the speculation in property prices: Terminus located in West Kowloon, Hong Kong people are not convenient half, only speculation Kowloon luxury apartments.

2010-04-13 18:15:28 補充:
6. total cost: iron and underestimation of the underground construction, there are too many tasks the variables, the engineering sector is expected to eventually will cost overruns.

2010-04-13 18:16:16 補充:
an overestimation of passengers are overestimating the passenger/vehicle traffic, resulting in serious wastage. At present, the Government estimated that the high-speed rail in 2016 day attendance 99000, to estimate the error again, the Government required long-term subsidies operating expenses.
2010-04-14 1:49 am
1. Fake speed:Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Section of High Speed Rail High Speed Rail is false, because the full use of underground tunnels, Hong Kong, it is only 30 km from Futian to accelerate to slow down soon after. Therefore, only the Hong Kong section of average speed 130 km, and 350 km within the lot, nearly three times the gap, close to the speed and the ordinary railway.

2. Leave Guangzhou ︰The future of the so-called "Guangzhou Station" is actually located in suburb of Panyu, Guangzhou Tianhe Commercial Centre, who want to ride a dozen subway stops: West Kowloon Station of suspending + 48 minutes of "high iron" border by car + 15 minutes + 40 minutes transfer = scrap metal.

3. New Territories were "useless":The Government estimates that passenger capacity of high-speed railway between the main Shenzhen and Guangzhou Eighty per cent of trains between the two and a half, but the New Territories are many methods between the PRD, would be foolish to first southbound to West Kowloon, and then north by High Speed Rail .

2010-04-13 17:51:59 補充:
4. Rich stuff:High Speed Rail fares high, close to the aircraft, one way to Beijing, about $ 1,200, not ordinary people can afford.

2010-04-13 17:52:27 補充:
5. Pushed up property prices:Terminus in West Kowloon, inconvenient for more than half of Hong Kong, Kowloon West only pushed up along the high price luxury group.

2010-04-13 17:52:41 補充:
6. Underestimate the cost of:High Speed Rail in the underground construction of the whole, there are too many variables in engineering, engineering will have been expected to eventually overrun.

2010-04-13 17:53:43 補充:
7. Overestimated ridership:Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, the Tai Lam Tunnel, the West Rail and the Airport Express Line, are overestimated passenger / vehicular traffic,

2010-04-13 17:53:56 補充:
causing serious waste. The Government estimates that the current high-speed railway in 2016 had 99,000 average daily attendance, if the re-estimation error, then the Government need long-term subsidies for operating expenses.

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