
2010-04-14 12:09 am
小時候曾訂下了很多目標, 例如長大後用警察, 創業, 管理顧問,, 專業投資者, 但最後我卻選擇了做一個財務自由的人, ,因為無論你做什麼工作, 最終目的都只是為了滿足自己的慾望. 而錢就是一種達到目標的一種工具.. 為了能有效地控制金錢, 大學時選讀了商科, 主修財務學. 期間果然開啓了對財務知識的探求. 並使我在投資市場上賺取了利潤. 如是者, 在大學畢業後我決定進修MBA課程增廣知識.. 09年我在全球經濟不景的情況下置業, 由於在政府的4%置業補貼下, 債務對日常生活開支影響不大. 有了安定的居所, 距離財務自由的目標又跨進了一大步, 現在正努力揾求一份具挑戰性的工作, 讓我享受工作的樂趣及發揮所長, 朝著目標一步步進發.

回答 (4)

2010-04-14 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

When I was young, I had set lot of goals. Such as becoming a police, start a business, be a management consultant, or a professional investor. However, at the end, I chose to be a financial-free person. It is because no matter what your job may be, the ultimate goal is only to satisfy one’s desire; money is a tool to reach this objective. In order to effectively control the use of money, I chose to study business in the university, major in finance. During that time I have explored the knowledge in finance, and even gained some profit in the investment market. As a result, I decided to further study MBA after graduation to expand my knowledge further. In 09 during the global economic downturn, I invested in property. With the Government’s 4% subsidy on home purchase, the loan has little effect on the daily expenses. Settled down with a flat of my own, it is a big step towards financial freedom. Now, I am trying to look for a challenging job, in which I can be exercise my best skills and enjoy at work, moving forward towards my goal.
2010-04-14 2:41 am
In childhood once subscribed many goals, after for example grows up, uses police, the undertaking, manages consultant, specialized investor, but I actually chose finally have been a financial free person, regardless of because you did any work, the final goal was only to satisfy own desire. But the money is one kind of achieve object one kind of tool. For can control the money effectively, when university read selectively the commercial course, majors in the finance study. Period really opened to the financial knowledge search. And caused me to earn the profit in the investment market. If is, after the university graduates I decided that takes advanced courses MBA the curriculum to augment the knowledge. 09 year I settle down in the global economic recession's situation, because under government's 4% property subsidy, the debt is not big to the daily life expenditure influence. Had the stable residence, strided in a stride from the financial free goal, now is striving for a challenging diligently work, lets me enjoy the work the pleasure and gives play to one's strong points, one sets out step by step toward the goal.
參考: bable fish
2010-04-14 2:16 am
Children for many targets, such as growth and the police, business, management consultant, professional investors, but ultimately I choose to become a financial freedom, because whatever you do, the ultimate goal is simply to satisfy their Yu Wang. And money is an instrument, aims to music can be friends .. stomach small Kongzhi money, choosing a university business to be the amount of professional Cai Wu. 7, I was a lion in the pursuit of financial rough. I Touzishichang on profit. Thus, after graduation, I decided to study MBA courses to expand my knowledge .. global recession in 2009 at home, because the government subsidized home ownership 4%, the debt has little effect on living expenses. A stable home, away from the goal of financial freedom is a big step, and now is trying to find a challenging work culture, I like their work to start on step by step on the objectives and their talents.
2010-04-14 12:25 am
Child has set many goals, such as grew up with the police, business, management consultant, and professional investors, but in the end I chose to become a financial freedom, because no matter what you do, the ultimate goal is simply to The desire to meet their own. And money is a target of a tool to achieve .. Weile Nengyou Xiao to Kongzhi money, choose a university O'clock business, majoring in Cai Wu Xue. Qijian really turned the quest for financial Zhi Shi. make me Touzishichang on to earn a profit. In this way, after graduating from university I decided to study MBA program to broaden my knowledge .. in 2009 the global economic downturn in the home, due to 4% of home buyers in the government subsidy, the debt-to-life spending has little effect. With a stable home, away from the goal of financial freedom was a big step, and now are trying to Wen seeking a challenging work, I enjoy their work and their talents toward the goal embarked on a step by step.

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