
2010-04-13 11:30 pm
本人女朋友係美國同人假結婚, 我女朋友係美國公民, 但最近有移民局d人黎check佢地, 移民局d人好似識破左佢地係假咁, 我想問下佢地下一步會點做, 我女朋友會唔會有事架? 要幾耐先知個結果架? please help me, 已經因為哩件事攪到唔開心

回答 (2)

2010-04-14 8:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
本人女朋友係美國同人假結婚, 我女朋友係美國公民, 但最近有移民局d人黎check佢地, 移民局d人好似識破左佢地係假咁, 我想問下佢地下一步會點做, 我女朋友會唔會有事架?

Your girl friend probably pissed off someone and they reported your Girl Friend to CIS.....

When they receive complaint about possible Immigration Fraud, they (CIS) will not touch you or contact you at first, they will start interviewing your neighbour, co-worker or employer and finally relative.

If they have enough evidence to believe the accusation istrue, then CIS will ak both your GF and Her husband to USCIS office for a detail interview. And they will consider the result from there

If found guilty, the Sponsor will face Felony Charge and Your Girl Friend will be deported (Even if she have US Citizenship) or Also face charges.

Bear in mind Immigration fraud have a maximum fine of 100,000 USD and 5 year Federal Penintary term.

The whole process would probably be finished in 1 or 2 months.

下...但我女朋友已經移民左係美國架啦wow, 查出左佢都唔可以留低?

Yes, even if she had and already had swore in as US Citizens, her Citizenship will be stripped (taken away) if CIS found out she got it illegally, according to Immigration and Neutralisation Act (INA)

Not to mention Green card.
2010-04-13 11:48 pm
如果查出左 佢地2人永遠都唔使番美國 嚴重既可能要坐檻

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