英文英文英文英文英文tense tense tense

2010-04-13 9:16 pm
Q1.past continuous tense即是????
Q2.past continuous tense的分別是??
Q3.past continuous tense怎樣用??

Q4.(重要問題) 在一句句子中,見到什麼字,就要用past continuous tense??

回答 (2)

2010-04-13 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
e.g.Perry was going to John's house today, However, the storm had hold him stay at home today.
past continuous tense is usually using "was/were" with ing in verb


You were studying when she called.
Were you studying when she called?
You were not studying when she called.
Complete List of Past Continuous Forms
USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past
Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.


I was watching TV when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption

In USE 1, described above, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.

Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. .
In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.


Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.
I started eating at 6 PM.
Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner.

2010-04-13 15:02:31 補充:
you can check on the website above if you have anymore question
2010-04-14 5:01 pm



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