香港貧富差距世界第一 為什麼香港人不反抗??

2010-04-13 5:32 pm

謝謝一樓的回答 您說的概念我大概都知道 只是自己很好奇 你們的地產 這樣炒作 使的貧富差擴大 受薪階級感覺很辛苦 如果最後地產出問題了 結果政府又花稅金幫忙資本家 為何 不事先 就強勢給政府壓力 去處理擴大貧富差距的誘因?

回答 (3)

2010-04-13 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In my view , Hong Kong maintains a competition world.
Therefore, a trend (richs being richer and poors being poorer) was existed.

Before you ask the above questions, you should consider the performance.

In my opinion, the local government should not lead the richs' wealth to share
with the poors. Of course, it is impossible.

Also, you should consider which industry was maintained in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong maintains a finance industry to support the local economy growth
and sult to the act of international city.
If the local's wealth was shared both the richs and the poors, Hong Kong will
lose the international position and lead the economy to decline.

I think that is why the government can not control or the HK people can not

Thank you.

2010-04-13 10:36:04 補充:
I think there are still a lot of chances lead the poors to be rich if you try your best for learning, lerning and learning. Any ages should keep this heart everytime. Goodluck.

2010-04-13 10:36:53 補充:
I think there are still a lot of chances lead the poors to be rich if you try your best for learning, learning and learning. Any ages should keep this heart everytime. Goodluck.
參考: self, wrong spelling
2010-04-13 10:51 pm
2010-04-13 6:51 pm





2010-04-13 10:53:27 補充:

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