Do you support the independence of Taiwan?

2010-04-13 5:52 am
in 500 words.

回答 (10)

2010-04-14 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Taiwan wants to become self ruling. It is as simple as that. Taiwanese people on this island wants to govern themselves. They want to decide for their own future. Yes I support independence of Taiwan like it has been since the Japanese left after WW2.
This is less than 500 words I hope.

more than 500 words...
Taiwan's past had Dutch rule, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Japanese, and the KMT. They are ALL "outsider" governments. During the Ming period it was the Ming loyalist Koxinga the naval commander who oust the Dutch, only because the Manchurian Qing was defeating the Ming Dynasty in China.(Is this similar to the KMT occupying the island from loss of the China mainland?). The Qing Dynasty was a Manchurian government, rulers from afar.
KMT had also no jurisdiction on the island until the Allied force took over the island when Japanese gave up Taiwan. The legitimacy of ROC government on Taiwan is for another debate.
It is great that Taiwan has became a democratic and free nation after years of repression. Taiwanese will not give up this freedom no way. There's a ton of politic conflicts in Taiwan and really the democracy in Taiwan is young, still maturing.
2010-04-13 6:37 am
Yes. It's the right thing to do for the Taiwanese people who have labored so long to peacefully achieve it.

EDIT: [apologies to all if this is too chatty] Gee, Saturn, why the rant and foul language? Please, tell us where YOUR home is. Technically speaking, the aboriginals are the only NON-foreigners here in Taiwan. Right? Maybe you should consider your own status before you start shouting obscenities at others. As for me, I just wish the PRC would "let our people go" without the need for plagues, famine, or war. OK?
參考: WNL
2010-04-13 5:53 am
2010-04-13 11:52 am
Yes. It is needed. Truth must become one with reality.
2010-04-13 7:03 am
is this a question or a poll?

they have been independent for too long now for china to come and try to take it back
its been over 50 years, the time has passed besides the amount of
business the 2 countries do together would make opposition of it difficult
參考: Living in China and Taiwan
2010-04-13 3:08 pm
Yes x 500.
2010-04-15 12:20 pm
Yes I think Taiwan should remain independent.
2010-04-13 10:00 pm
I do not support the independence of Taiwan, along with all the other 1.3 billion people that are Chinese, and I am proud to be one of them.

I know I will get thumb downs for this, but however I believe there is no need for Taiwan to become independent, the westerners might still consider China as a communist country, it is true some way, because there is only 1 party that is in great power, although there are many more parties, but they are just too little to do campaigns against the communist party. The reason why i don't support Taiwan's independence is because look at China, the economy is still growing while most other countries have an economic crisis. China allows free trade, it is changing along with the westerners. I am not trying to convince all you guys, that Taiwan shouldn't be independent, but however, if all you guys really concerned about the situation of Taiwan, than you guys should not support Taiwan's independence at all, because the best way for Taiwan to grow both economically and socially is to collaborate with Mainland China, because I can guarantee that with the help of Mainland china, no nation will ever even try to terrify Taiwan.

Long live the great unity of all nationalities of China
參考: my previous knowledge
2010-04-13 7:40 am
If you are a foreigner, shut your blaaaady phuckiiiiing mouth and every hole. The fate of the 23million people is not for you to make fun of.

If you are a Taiwanese. just do it. You have to fight for and earn it. It willl never fall from the sky or
be presented on a silver platter. Do not expect other people to fight and die for your cause. Whose independence would it be then?

To WLN: Do not agitate. You have been agitating for too long. What is your blaaady business in doing it? Do it if you dare, you alien. Obey and abide by our laws and constitution. Otherwise ,
phuckoffffff. Tell me what laws your country impose on foreign visitors?

Reply to WLN:
1. "Where is my home" you asked. What is your point? Do you want to see Aborigines - Han Chinese clash? Rest assured. Done that already. It is history now. Let me tell you once and for all. Today's Taiwan is built by Han Chinese.
To be fair, ask Obama and Bush where their homes are?
You are now in Han Chinese-ruled Taiwan. Obey and abide by our laws and our constiution.

2. Technically you came from the other side of the globe. You are an alien and try to challenge the settlement of Han Chinese in Taiwan. This is blaaaady provocative.
In the tradition of Han Chinese as well as of the aborigines, wives flollow husbands. So technically and traditionally, the direction for you to take is "Get Out".

3. You tried to solicit other people on line to form a gang for the purpose of attacking certain people and challenging the rule of the government, our constitution and advocating Taiwan independence using garbage or distorted facts. Why are you, coming from the other side of the globe, agitating people here? Read my lip " phuuck offf".
2016-12-02 8:43 pm
Obama do no longer want no drama, so he will shelter the status quo, ie. strategic ambiguity with connection with the Taiwan independence project. the U. S. nominally helps democracies international, and Taiwan has strategic value as an outpost individuals (and SEATO allies) means in the Pacific. China and Taiwan the two stand to income from the cultural and financial exchanges that are being promoted through the Ma administration. the U. S. pink line is a chinese language invasion of Taiwan China's pink line is a Taiwanese statement of independence. wanting the two consequence, China, the U. S. and Taiwan can all stay at the same time peacebly and prosperously.

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