公司轉股權問題, 急~~

2010-04-12 10:38 pm
1. 要填咩form?
2. 咩文件??
3. 打完印花稅後點做??
4. 要否去公司註冊署申報?


回答 (4)

2010-04-13 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 and 2. You have to prepare the Bought Note / Sold Note and Instrument of Transfer for each of the transfer of share. These documents have to be taken to the Inland Revenue Department for stamping with stamp duty.
3. After the documents are duly executed and stamped, the old share certificates should be collected back from b and c and new share certificates to be issued to a and d with the approval of the board meeting of the directors of the company. After that, the names of the old shareholders should be deleted and and new shareholders' details should be entered in the Register of Members of the company.
4. No need to report this to Companies Registry immdeiately after the transfer. You just have to state these changes of shareholders in the company;'s Annual Return, duly signed and filed with Company Registry on an annual basis.
2010-04-14 8:06 pm
2010-04-14 7:32 pm
2010-04-14 11:47 am
Complicated document required, it takes $2000 for all to avoid any trouble and delay! need help, just email to [email protected]

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