
2010-04-12 9:40 pm

回答 (7)

2010-04-12 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Front Desk Manager
Front Desk Clerk
Front Desk Agent
Front Desk Receptionist

Receptionist – too broad, may refer to a telephone receptionist.
Bellboy or bellhop – refer to a hotel porter, who helps patrons with their luggage while checking in or out. He wont serve you in the counter.Conceirge - In hotels, a concierge assists guests with various tasks like making reservations, arranging services, recommending restaurants, booking transportation etc. They are “more professional” comparing to a front desk clerk who are responsible for routine administrative works regarding guests’ check-ins / checkouts.
參考: hkslot
2010-04-13 3:30 am
酒店入面的前堂服務員---> Front desk 或者 Reception
2010-04-13 1:42 am
Hospitality desk 係酒店櫃台服務的專稱, 服務員就加staff係後面即
Hospitality desk staff 或 desk staff.

2010-04-12 17:46:37 補充:
以上的答案也是答服務員既Title (職位), 而不是發問者所問的"英文"
2010-04-12 10:34 pm
參考: --
2010-04-12 10:23 pm

酒店內的櫃面接待員叫 hotel receptionist。
酒店內幫助客人拿行李的叫 bellhop, bellboy 或 pageboy 皆可。
參考: common sense
2010-04-12 10:19 pm
Reception - Receptionist是一般叫法:接待員
Concierge - Butler是酒店的叫法:管家/招待員
Customer Counter - Customer Services Officer是一般商場的叫法:客戶服務員
2010-04-12 9:56 pm
are you mean receptionist

2010-04-12 13:57:34 補充:
well bellboy also will do
參考: hope it help you

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