問Netherland Prague 荷蘭捷克13天自遊行

2010-04-12 10:34 am
中途要買多張connection flight來回ams & prague
想問問 大家以下行程work唔work

3/5 DAY 1 HK
4/5 DAY 2 ARRIVE AMS AT 0600--Keukenhof睇花--Giethroon羊角村過夜
5/5 day 3 中午由Giethroon出返ams-- 1930搭飛機ams-->prague 2055--prague過夜
6/5 day 4 prague
7/5 day 5 prague+KV卡羅維溫泉
8/5 day 6 prague
9/5 DAY 7prague-->CK, CK過夜
10/5 DAY 8 CK-->TELC-->CK過夜
11/5 DAY 9 CK-->PRAGUE 搭飛機 1705 PRAGUE--AMS 1840, Amsterdam過夜
12/5 day 10 ams--> zannes schans桑斯堡 睇風車--夜宿ams
13/5 day 11 ams-->rotterdam-->ams
14/5 day 12 ams 2120機--hk
15/5 day 13 arirve hk

5/5會太夜到達prague 搵hostel一個女仔會危險嗎?
but好似唔太多special既景點..beligum既brussels & brugge有特別景點嗎?值得繞過去嗎?因為我的hk來回ams機票己出,所以plan得煩d...

回答 (1)

2010-04-13 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Umm...looking at your itinerary now, your days 2 and 3 are going to be too rushed, exhausted, and too much mileage to cover. In fact, going from Holland to the Czech Republic is probably the strangest idea I have ever come across. BUT if that's what you really want to do then there's no stopping you...

IMO, if I were to use Holland as my base, with only 10 actual days of travelling (you need to take away 2 days for flying to and from HK!), I would suggest only staying in Holland, and maybe add in Brussels if you have time - and safe the Czech Republic for next time when you travel through Eastern Europe. Europe is well connect but it's not as small as one should think.

You can do a circuit/a loop starting from and ending in Amsterdam, all the way along using trains and buses. You can try this maybe:

Amsterdam - Rotterdam - Antwerp - Brussels (do Brugge as a day trip from either Antwerp or Brussels) - then from here you might need to fly back to Amsterdam.

That's only a suggestion for only 10 days - each place should take about 2 days to explore, plus travel time.

Brugge I heard is nice, good place for beer - in fact, beer is good all over Holland and Belgium. Brussles has a nice city square but can be a bit boring.

Have a look at Lonely Planet guides for those countries for more information, since I can't remember much from those cities that I've visited years ago.

2010-04-12 16:46:48 補充:
With regards to hostels - I hate looking for hotels/hostels with all my bags, I like to have them pre-booked, just in case I can't find a room. try www.booking.com
參考: Yours truly

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