
2010-04-12 6:15 am

回答 (3)

2010-04-13 4:31 pm
--go to www.youtube.com and search under "stain clothes cleaning"
for the most suitable methods for your case
2010-04-12 5:35 pm
This is what I find from the net : 首先用爽身粉 , 倒在有curry stain 處 , 捽擦粉抹一翻 , let 粉吸走一部份curry , 然後用溫水過淨 , 用half 甘油(glycreine)加half 水 , 塗上有漬處 , 再捽擦一翻 , 等10-30minutes後 , 過水後再用市面有酵素洗潔劑 , 開溫水浸一會 , 捽擦過淨 . 因為curry is a mixture of different spices so it is very difficult to be removed . The best is to take immediately action before it gets dry . Using baby powder is effective if the stain is still wet . If dry curry stain is found , you better proceed the following steps to secure a better result . Hope it works !
2010-04-12 6:20 am
Soak with 'Vanish' for at least one day or until it gone !

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