急!!!!我要一d關於Ocean Park 的英文words

2010-04-12 6:02 am
急!!!!我要一d關於Ocean Park 的英文words (機動遊戲,動物,設備等等).


回答 (1)

2010-04-12 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實這是很專業的知識, 就算是海洋公園的員工也不可能全部清楚,資料要靠旅遊指南或上網搜尋,很失禮, 在下就是上網找尋到下列資料希望你用得着:

Hong Kong Ocean Park is divided into two areas, the Headland(Submmit)
and the Lowland(Waterfront).Both areas can be reached by cable car system, shuttle bus or the Ocean Express(train).
There are 35 attractions and rides(分別在兩處共有35景點及乘坐遊戲機).
Among others,Hong Kong Ocean Park attractions and rides include:
(A) Headland Rides(山上機動城)
1)The Dragon(瘋狂過山車)----It is a steel rollerbcoaster with a maximum
speed of 77 km./hour with a 842 metre long track, the ride lasts about
2.5 minutes.
2)The Abyss Turbo Drop(極速之旅)----It raises visitor up and drops them
straight down in 5 seconds.
3)Flying Swing(飛天韆鞦)
4)Crazy Galleon(沖天搖擺船)
5)Ferris Wheel(摩天巨輪)
6)Headland Games(熱鬥遊樂園)

(B))Adventure Land(急流天地)
1)Mine Train(越礦飛車)----A steel ' mine train ' with 678 metres of track.
2)Raging River(滑浪飛船)
3)Ocean Park Escalator(登山電挮)----It is a 225 metre(745 ft.) long, the
world's second longest escalato; it is outdoor, but waterproof.

(C) Marine Land(海洋天地)
1)Pacific Pier(太平洋海岸)----Where Californian sea lions and other species
of seals are displayed.
2) Atoll Reef(海洋館)----A four storey high aquarium keeping more than 2000
fish of 250 different species.
3) Chinese Sturgeon Aquarium(中華鱘魚館)----Where 5 Chinese sturgeons
are being kept exclusively.
4) Ocean theatre(海洋劇塲---- Where visitors can watch performances by
dolphines and sea lions.
5) Ocean Park Tower(海洋摩天塔)----It is an observation deck where visitors
can overlook part the South China Sea.
6) Sea Jelly Spectacular(水母萬花筒)----It is an aquarium displaying more
than 600 jellyfish.

(D) Lowlan Gardens(綠野花園)
1) Giant Panda Habitat(大熊貓園)
2) Sky Fair(七彩升空天地)
3) The Amazing Birds Show(雀鳥劇塲)
4) Cable Car(登山纜車)----A gondola system connecting the two areas of
the Ocean Park.

(E) Whiskers Harbour(威威天地)
1) Dolphine University(海豚學堂)
2) Whisker's Theatre(威威劇塲)
3) Rides for Kids(兒童機動城)
4) Tiny Town Games(創意遊樂塲)

(D)Bird Paradise(雀鳥天堂)
1) The Aviaries(百鳥居)
2) Flamingo Pond(紅鸛池)

好了, 我相信以上的資料已足夠你用了, 祝好運。

參考: search from google

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