20dims ,,come

2010-04-11 7:40 pm
title:If I were...

我想寫If I were a fairy,I


回答 (3)

2010-04-11 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If i were a fairy, i would like to use my magic to help people. i can know what
will happen next and if there were a catastrophe, i can avoid it. Also, i could
bring the dying back to life just like the doctor. maybe i can punish the thief for
the police too.
參考: myself
2010-04-11 8:56 pm
If I were a fairy,I will help people to turn rich.If I were a fairy,I will turn everyone
healthy.If I were a fairy,I will let everyone's dreams to the real one.I will let everyone happy!
2010-04-11 8:10 pm
If I were a fairy

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