
2010-04-11 3:52 am
1. And I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I'm asleep.

2. And I still hold your hand when I'm asleep.


其實第一句係歌詞黎, 但係我唔明點點解要加"in mine"


plz help!!

謝謝大家!! 除了那賣廣告的之外, 大家都解答得好好~! 點數可以平分嗎? XD

回答 (4)

2010-04-11 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. And I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I'm asleep.
And I still hold your hand when I'm asleep.
我想問兩句有咩分別???點解要加"in mine"?

兩句分別在"in mine' (in my hand)在我手裡。歌詞的一句加"in mine"是加强意思,「而我仍握住你的手在我手裡--當我睡著時在我手裡。」。

沒有"in mine"的意思分別不大,較直接說出「當我睡著時,我仍握住你的手。」(當然也是用我的手去握的)。
2010-04-12 8:52 pm
我理解句野既意思係「我仍握住你手,當我熟睡時」 - 你的理解十分正確。
至於為何第一句要用in mine,甚至兩次in mine,原因不外兩個:
1. 既然是歌詞,便需因應曲譜的長短而創作;2. 打個比喻,可用中文「頂真」修辭去理解,以加強詩意。「頂真」乃係上句結尾的詞語做下句的開頭,如:「楚山秦山皆白雲,白雲處處長隨君。」
參考: hkslot
2010-04-11 6:34 am
in mine=in my hands

the 2nd part of the 1st sentence is additional/optional, perhaps its function is just to link to the 2nd phrase of lyrics, or to reinforce/emphasize/stress tht i still holdur hands in mine (my hands) when i'm asleep. it's just to heighten emotions and emphasize the theme (of the song). it doesn't affect the grammar of the sentence.

the 2nd sentence is a typical english sentence. correct grammar.
參考: me
2010-04-11 5:33 am
As you know the first sentence is a lyric. In lyric some words are repeated to suit the music/ tune or for emphatic purpose. As in the first sentence, "In mind" is repeated for similar reasons. Grammatically, or strictly speaking, the first sentence is incorrect as In mine is redundant. But it is acceptable in lyric in which grammar is not important.
It should be: I still hold your hand in mine (in my hand) when I am asleep.睡時我的手仍拖著你的手。

The second sentence is grammatically correct but not as good as the first one with only one "in mine" Thg first sentence with "in mine" is more passionate, and it gives us a clearer picture than the second one.

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