chem ce about drying agent

2010-04-11 2:25 am
I would like to ask what drying agent is common used in experiment
/ commonly asked in HKCEE

1. For gases , like SO2/ CO2/ HCl (acidic)
What drying agent should I use?

2. For gases, like NH3 (alkaline)

what drying should I use?

3. My teacher told me that anhydrous CaCl is a good drying agent as
not many substances will react with it, are there any exceptional cases?

回答 (1)

2010-04-11 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. For acid gases (like SO2, CO2 and HCl), the drying agent commonly used is concentrated sulphuric acid (or anhydrous calcium chloride).

2. For alkaline gases (like NH3), the drying agent commonly used is calcium oxide (or soda lime).

3. Anhydrous calcium chloride (CaCl2) can be used to dry most of the common gases but not ammonia gas (NH3). This is because calcium chloride can absorb ammonia by forming a complex.
參考: wanszeto

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