
2010-04-11 1:08 am
Q1)何時用compared with?何時用compared to?


回答 (2)

2010-04-11 4:04 am
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Q. 1

Compare to 和 compare with 有時可以互換,有時則不行。
當 compare 用作及物動詞時,compare to 和 compare with (更精確的寫法是:compare sth to/with sth) 是同義詞,意為「與…相比;與…作比較」,如 If we compare French schools to/with British schools, we find there are many differences. (如果我們將法國的學校與英國的學校作一比較,會發現有許多不同之處);The results are then compared to/with the results of previous studies. (這些結果再與以前的研究結果作比較)。
然而,compare to 除了上述意思外,還意為「把…比作;把…比喻為」,而這意思是 compare with 所沒有的,如 His poems have been compared to those of the English Romantics. (他的詩被拿來與英國浪漫主義的詩相提並論);He usually compares women to roses. (他經常將女人比作玫瑰花)。I compare babies to little angels. (即係嬰孩有如小天使一樣) 。
當 compare 用作不及物動詞時,其後只能接介系詞 with (不可接 to),意為「(與…) 相比;比得上」,如 It’s a good university, but its architecture doesn’t compare with that of the older institutions. (這是一所不錯的大學,但其建築無法與那些老牌的大學相比);Taiwan’s performance compares very favorably [unfavorably] with that of other Asian countries. (台灣的表現比亞洲其他國家好 [差] 很多)。

還有, compare with可同時比較相同和 (and)不同之處,但compare to 只比較相同或 (or)不同之處。

We compared a Maybach with a VW Beetle (甲蟲車) and our findings are as follows:
- Both are made in Germany (相同)
- Both are reliable (相同)
- A Maybach costs significantly more than a VW Beetle(不同)
- Bulletproof windows are only available as an option for the Maybach(不同)

Q.2 We add ‘d’ after ‘compare’ when past tense or passive voice is used.
2010-04-11 2:37 am
Q1 : compare with = 甲與乙來作一個互相比較.

Q2 : compare to = 以啊甲比喻啊乙

2010-04-10 18:47:20 補充:
compare爲何要加d ?
Q3 : 那只是present tense 和 past tense之分別.

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