hku or uni in uk?

2010-04-09 11:08 pm
I have been studying in UK for 4 years and I am now studying AS. As I have taken GCSE, so I have applied for EAS in HKU. But my parents don't want me to study in HK because it will be such a waste and the reputation of the universities in UK sounds better than HK.

For uni, I want to study bioscience, and that is purely for my own interest, I am not going to work in that area after graduation. If HKU offers me, I think I will study 1 major and 1 minor in biosciences and Journalism as another major or minor. If I go on studying in UK, those unis that I want to enter don't have media studies or journalism. The most important thing is, I don't have enough confidence to enter those top universities in UK. If I can't go to those top ones, then HKU is better than those.

Should I come back to HK if HKU offers me or go on studying in UK?

回答 (1)

2010-04-09 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just go on studying in UK..
Even though many HK student have finished their 'HKU studies'...but they can't find jobs..
Or i can say...if u study in UK, u will have a better future..
and u should seize the chance that study in UK,there are many students wanna go 2 shows that u're lucky..PLZ seize the chance and work hard.
actually, HK sucks! (HK's edcational system sucks!)

Gd luck!

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