hku or uni in uk?

2010-04-09 11:07 pm
I have been studying in UK for 4 years and I am now studying AS. As I have taken GCSE, so I have applied for EAS in HKU. But my parents don't want me to study in HK because it will be such a waste and the reputation of the universities in UK sounds better than HK.

For uni, I want to study bioscience, and that is purely for my own interest, I am not going to work in that area after graduation. If HKU offers me, I think I will study 1 major and 1 minor in biosciences and Journalism as another major or minor. If I go on studying in UK, those unis that I want to enter don't have media studies or journalism. The most important thing is, I don't have enough confidence to enter those top universities in UK. If I can't go to those top ones, then HKU is better than those.

Should I come back to HK if HKU offers me or go on studying in UK?

回答 (1)

2010-04-10 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 咁呢, 如果你apply左eas, 而佢又俾offer你, 咁你就要睇下你既屋企人想唔想你讀了, 因為eas 係可以早一年完成大學degree, 而呢, 仲會平一d tim, 係hk 讀大學(i.e ~less than 10萬hkd), 而係英國讀大學, 一年可以會要25萬hkd 的, 所以呢一個要好好咁諗諗了..

2) 有一d confusion..."If I go on studying in UK, those unis that I want to enter don't have
media studies or journalism." 咁即係話, 如果你係英國讀大學, 你就會揀media studies 而唔係捺bioscience? 英國既uni 唔同hk 的, 佢地係唔會有major 同minor 的, 所以呢, 你只可以揀一樣既.. 如果係你揀bioscience 的話, 咁英國就會好一d 了, 因為呢, 出面既大學都係比較多, 而media studies, 有一d 英國大學offer 得呢一個course, 但係reputation 都係冇咁好既...

3) suggest 你揀定你既路向, 如果想係大學讀bioscience 的話, 就stay 係英國啦, 佢地既lab 既facilities 都會好一d 既.. 而呢, 想讀media studies 就番hk 會好一d..

4) 其實唔駛擔心你入唔到top 既英國uni, 因為呢, 你apply 得eas, 即係你都有好多個a* 了, 咁既然係咁, 你又點會怕入唔到top 既uni 呢, 就算入唔到oxbridge, 其實英國既uni 讀bioscience 都係唔錯的:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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