有關樓按之同業拆息, p plan和定息問題

2010-04-09 8:21 pm
本人想請教一下同業拆息, P PLAN和定息樓按之間的分別 :

(1) 請問同業拆息係咪一定低過p plan架?

(2) 定息又係咩嚟? 如果還款期係廿年, 咁係咪即係廿年入面都用同一個息率計算還款利息, 咁而家定息息率係2.5厘, 咪好抵囉?

(3) 知唔知三個PLAN邊個係最好? (本人一直擔心未來供樓利息會大幅調升, 唔知邊一個PLAN最保障供樓者呢?)


回答 (2)

2010-04-09 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1: No. In 97, the HIBOR grows up to 200%, when the P rate is only 10%. It depends on market situation

2: Normally the answer is yes. However, some plan would only give a fix rate for a certain period (say 3yr or 5yr). After that period, a Prime rate would be quoted. You could ask the bank for more information before you decide which plan to choose. There is no definite answer on which plan is better. Sometime, the P-rate would be higher than the fix rate, or the vice versa. It all depends on market situation.

3: It depends on your acceptable risk level.

HIBOR: this plan offer the lowest rate NOW, but would fluctuate very much (high risk high return)

fix rate: this plan fix the rate, so the risk is fixed (the fix rate is known). Your monthly repayment won't change whatever the market situation is. Obviously, the fix rate provided must be higher than the P-rate offer at that time. (Low risk, low return)

Prime rate: this plan provide medium risk and medium return. the rate is less fluctuation than HIBOR rate, but not fixed.

If you have adequate cash flow on hand, you are suggested to use HIBOR plan. If your income is not stable and your mortgage repayment shares a high portion of your income, you should choose the fix rate plan.

2011-10-03 11:19 pm
按揭最優惠利率可低至 P - 3.15%。
貸款額高達 95%,供款期長達 30 年。
適合任可人士申請,免入息證明 (包括固定,非固定入息人士及自僱人士也可)。

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