煩請physics知識長 幫幫手

2010-04-09 5:14 pm
請問點解 1,wavelength越短,,scattering越勁?
2,點解係EM wave既propagation可以在vacuum進行?
係vacuum度明明就沒物質,姐係沒 electrons果d,,,點解仲可以app到lenz's law果d?
3,係polarization度,,,點解可以當E-field當做direction of vibration,,而唔係b-field
4,真係可以polarize到 d wave?好似EM wave咁,,,佢唔係都可以 penetrate到個polaroid?
點解 可以話係plane-polarize 左個unpolarized wave呢?(ps我明白 點解 vertical既molecular chain可以吸 wave)


回答 (1)

2010-04-10 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. This is the interaction of electromagnetic waves with atoms. The orbital electrons of an atom is perturbated by the electric field of the wave, which causes them to oscillate and thus absorb the incident waves. The absorbed energy is re-emitted as scattered waves. This situation is similar to a forced oscillation in which the driving frequency is much greater than the natural frequency of the atoms. The resulted in the difference in scattered wave intensity with different frequency waves.

Detailed mathematical explanation of the process can be found in the following web-page:


2. It is not Lenz' Law. It is Faraday's Law and Ampere's Law. The two laws describe that a changing electric field induces a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field induced an electric field. Since fields themselves can exit in vacuum (be aware that vacuum possesses a non-zero permitivity and permeability), electromagentic waves propagate by mutual induction of the eelctric and magnetic fields.

3.This is only a common practice. Generally, the electric field component of the electromagentic wave has greater interaction on electrons and atomic dipoles in substances.

4. Again, detailed explanation needs to rely on mathematical manipulation using Maxwell's Electromagentic Equations. A simple explanation is that certain crystal structure allows electric field vibration in a certain direction to pass through, but absorb electric field vibration in other directions.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:33:54
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