英文問題 報紙的句子

2010-04-09 9:19 am
So far, the new methods, designed by UPS and researchers from Virginia
Tech, are proving successful, UPS says.

為甚麼用 Present continuous tense 唔用Past tense ,were successful, 呢?

回答 (5)

2010-04-09 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Two points need to be taken into consideration.

1. ‘So far’ has been used. Like the word ‘since’, it is a clear indicator that the new methods, implemented in the past, are still successful at time of speech.
2. From the sentence, it is implied that the methods are still using. In other words, the effects of these are still there.

For the above reasons, simple past tense should not be used.

As an alternative, you may replace ‘are proving successful’ with ‘have been successful’. The meaning is similar but the tone of ‘are proving successful’ is stronger.

The ‘says’ does not determine the tense to be used, because you can always say something happened in the past.

2010-04-09 09:27:20 補充:
Therefore, 001's answer is incorrect. Beware of the sentence organization.

2010-04-09 09:30:53 補充:
Re : 002's answer. How about the new methods are replaced or causing problems some day. You cannot expect any method can be successful forever as circumstances may change. Answer therefore has a logical problem.
2010-04-09 6:08 pm
it's because talking is using presant,like this:
once upon a time, there were three robbers,one of the robber said"let's _steal__
"let's __stole_ something"(= =)(x)
we will not use past tense to say= =
2010-04-09 4:39 pm
I think 001's answer is very good, but the advice he gave may not work in all circumstances. For example, you could say "I loved you" to Peter, if you are breaking up with him:
"I loved you, but not any more !".
2010-04-09 4:02 pm
2010-04-09 10:43 am
留意句子最後個個'UPS says ' 一個說話期間

而Present continuous tense 的用法是''事件發生於說話期間''

例如:I cannot talk to you now because I am taking a driving test.(同人地講緊野)

所以用Present continuous tense

而唔系Past tense ^_^

再例如:你同Peter講,'I love you'
而你唔會話,'I loved you' (X)
所以,以後記住凡是說話期間,系唔會有Past tense噶!


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