question about AP class.?

2010-04-09 2:47 am
people said if you got a pass grade on AP exam, then you can earn the college credit, but if my college schedule doesn't involve that subject I take on AP class or the college don't have such a subject( Is that possible?) , will I still get the college credit?

people said science AP class is useless because most college are not going to accept the science ap credit, is that true? ( please answer it with the true situation), if that so, which subject is useful AP class? what else useless AP class? ( I mean those college class that college will mostly dendied to give you credit)

回答 (6)

2010-04-09 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
AP classes are very important? What kind of people are you getting this from. AP classes are entry-level college courses and are very good in preparing your for college. Most colleges accept AP classes as college credit (assuming that you get a 4 or 5 on the AP test). However, some people will retake the AP class in college because they forgot most of it, maybe that is where they get that from. All in all, AP colleges are very important and not useless
2016-10-02 1:30 pm
if you're taking honors biology you're going to have an choice of taking the AP biology scan should you wish - likewise with another path. However from enjoy, I have taken Honors Biology and am now in AP Biology and the AP path is a lot more in-intensity and rigorous. If you're inclined to spend plenty of further effort and time (however a e-book and many others.) then it can be invaluable. It eventually depends upon whether or not or no longer you took the AP scan that is the identifying component on whether or not or no longer you're eligible to obtain such credit score (you rating badly at the scan and also you dont get credit score despite the fact that you've gotten an A within the magnificence, likewise, you'll get a five (the quality rating) at the AP scan and havea C within the magnificence and you're going to be eligible for credit score). additionally, should you plan on majoring within the area you're taking an AP magnificence for, commonly instances faculties will supply you credit score hours for scoring good however make you're taking their magnificence in that area anyhow. well success!
2010-04-09 6:39 am
it depends. technically a 3 is a "pass". more competitive schools (top 50ish) will require a 4 or 5, and often you don't get full credit for a 4-check the college's website. that said, AP science classes are extremely useful. many colleges will accept a 5 even in the hard-science AP's (Bio, Chem, Physics C), though they may require you to take their own test before waiving the class. Even if the college doesn't accented AP scores, it is still worthwhile to take the class, so you can show colleges that you can do the work.
2010-04-09 3:14 am
It really depends on the college and the major you are selecting. Some colleges are only accepting a 5 for college credit. I think AP US is a safe class. You might want to check out for studying for certain AP classes.
2010-04-09 3:06 am
basically, this is how it is: if you take the AP exam at the end of the year and pass it, you will get a credit to some/most schools. however, some schools require you to have a certain score, like at harvard you need to score a 5 on the world history test to have it count. also, you won't get the credit if you are majoring in a class you took an AP class for. but AP classes are still good because colleges will look at your application and see you took and were successful at a college-level class and put you higher than the rest of your class.
參考: my AP world history teacher
2010-04-09 2:58 am
Always check out the prospective college before you determine whether or not you want to take the AP exam. Here's the thing, some colleges do take AP credit, some don't. It's different for each college. That being said, colleges want students to atleast take honors/AP classes, so take some.

AP math is something I suggest, there's almost no chance for a college not to have calc 1/2, and they will usually give you credit for it. AP science I am not sure, but some schools (UC wise) offer you 1-2 years free if you take the AP exam and pass.

Technically, if you get a 3 you pass, but more and more colleges are leaning towards getting a 4.

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