Can you proof read my biography?

2010-04-08 3:29 pm
Hi! This is Jane from Hong Kong. My english is not good. Could you please help me to proof read it and make the words more better?

Jane Lee is a designer, Cartoonist, Artist, illustrator based in Hong Kong. She graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute. As a design student, she has been awarded as VTC Outstanding Awards Student 08/09. She is a sliver awards holder of Graphic Design in China Awards in Student Group. As a cartoonist and artist, she has had group exhibitions at France and United State. She has started to work with client since 2007.Her clients are come from United Kingdom, France, United State, Philippines and Hong Kong. She worked across from the field of comics, illustrations and design. She is a hardworking student and has lots of passion in design. In the future, she would like to get more challenge and training in the creative industry.

回答 (3)

2016-10-15 5:29 pm
L'techniques Generale Jessica ******* est néE en fevrier sixteen, 1997. Elle est néE A(with accessory) L'Hopital Generale du St.********. Elle A 14 ans. LE souvenir preferé de Jessica C'ESTAIT quand elle est MONTEE dans une montagnE russE pour le maximum efficient FOIS. Elle a ecu UNE bonNE enfance. l. a. Famille De Jessica SA mere s’appelle **** , et SON PERE s’appelle *****. Jessica a UNE sœur qui s'appelle ******. Son pére travaille comme professeur, et sa mere travaille comme comptable . ****** est 12 ans, et elle COURS LE 7e année. l. a. Description De Jessica Jessica est petite, elle a DES yeux et cheveux bruns. Le SURNOM de Jessica est *******. SON corps et SA tete SONT DE taille moyenne. l. a. Futur et L'thought De Jessica Jessica veut être un neurologue parce-qu'elle Aime l'étude du cerveau humain. l. a. musique inspire Jessica à travailleR fortress pour l'accomplissement de SES objectifs. LES activites Jessica aime les activities, SON interest preferé est LE volley-ball. Jessica aussi aime l. a. musique, LES arts, l. a. poésie, LES videos, LES livres et l'école. Mon end Jessica est unE personne GAI, elle sourits tout les temps et elle rit beaucoup. Elle a une belle famille et elle est drôle. Jessica aussi joue le psthree, elle est une personne amusante. Jessica a bon choix de musique. Je ne CONNAISAIS pas Jessica au 2009, mais je pense que Jessica SERA un trés bon neurologue parce-qu'elle travaille trés fortress pour accompliR SES objectifs.
2010-04-08 3:36 pm
To me, it's not really a biography. It's more like a resume, something you'd give to potential clients or bosses.

Good job though?
2010-04-08 3:46 pm
Jane Lee is a designer, cartoonist, artist and illustrator based in Hong Kong. She graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in [year?]. As a design student, she has been awarded the VTC Outstanding Student Award 08/09. She is a sliver awards holder of Graphic Design in China Awards in Student Group. As a cartoonist and artist, she has held group exhibitions in both France and the United States. She began working with clients in 2007. Her clientelle originates from the United Kingdom, France, United States, Philippines and Hong Kong. She has worked across the fields of comics, illustrations and design. She is a hardworking student and is passionate about design. She enjoys a challenge and is seeking further training in the creative industry.

Something like that?...but yes it sounds like a resume - I'm used to writing resumes for people!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:12:17
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