chem about h20

2010-04-09 4:55 am
我想問水係反應後 幾時係(l) 幾時係(g)?

回答 (3)

2010-04-09 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
要睇係唔係exothermic reaction,
如果係exothermic reaction, water is in gas state,
如果係endothermic reaction, water is liquid state.

2010-04-09 15:42:04 補充:
neutralizationn generally is exothermic reaction,
since the energy produced may be too little to vapourise the water.
Therefore, in some cases, the water is in liquid state
參考: Hope can help you^^”
2010-04-09 7:38 am
It depends on the amount of heat liberated in the reaction.

If energy released is enough for the water to change its state to gas, then (l) will become (g).
參考: myself.
2010-04-09 6:34 am
咁中和反應姐係出gas ge水?

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