F.3 bio

2010-04-09 2:58 am
1. Why the female in the age group of 13-15 has the highest daily energy requirements?

2. What will happen to a person if his daily energy intake is less than his daily energy requirement?

3. If a person does not eat enoough food for a long time or has a nutritionally poor diet, he/she will become__________ or __________.

Thx for your help!

回答 (2)

2010-04-09 10:26 am
1.A child needs more protein than an adult due to active growth.
As puberty nears, young males need more calcium than females, and females require more iron than males
p.s. the daily energy requirements of a 13-15years is 8830 kJ

2.If his daily energy intake is less than his daily energy requirement,he will loss his weight and become thinner, results in undernutrition

3.He or she may have kwashiorkor and marasmus.
kwashiorkor is caused by a severe lack of protein in a diet.
Marasmus is mainly caused by inadequate energy intake.The child is underweight, has thin arms and legs and has a shrunken facial appearance.
參考: my book
2010-04-09 5:39 am
1) At age 13-15, there will be two tasks she needs to fulfill, firstly, she is probably at the peak of growing, she will need to put on height, as well as other sexual signs. Secondly, she will start her period! That is why her energy is at peak!

2) The obvious answer is that person will loose weight! This is how many of the cometic company works, make sure that the food intake is less compair to before, and if the subject are willing to exercise, she will loose weight faster.

When we talk about starvation, we really need to put a time line on when the metablic function are being switch on.

Initially, the subject will be more aware of the surrounding, where the subject will switch on the "hunting" reflex, he will be more aggressive.

However, when the intake is a lot less then the output, for a prolong period of time, the body will compensate accordingly, for example, our body will slow down the energy usage, eg slow down on heat generation, the subject will feel tired, and if this process is prolong, the body will switch on other metablic pathway and use our body as a energy source, once when this source of energy is used up, the subject will die.

3. Sick or die

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