Eng.Grammar Checking

2010-04-09 1:19 am
Recently,the heritage conservation of Wing Lee Street and Ladder Street becomes a hot topic.I think the heritage activists and the residents of Central are great and brave because they try their best to preserve the antique buildings and streets in Central where they lived for many years. In my opinion,redevelopment in Central will both have advantages and disadvantages.
I think the government redevelops Wing Lee Street and Ladder Street can improve the livelihood of the residents.Since a lot of buildings and tenement houses are very old and dangerous on Wing Lee Street,the government renovates the Wing Lee Street can protect the safety of passer-by and residents.Also,the residents can get compensation to move to a better place to live. Moreover,the construction of escalators would reduce traffic impact,assist the elderly population,save travel time and benefit tourism promotion.
However,I think redevelopment in Central will also cause a lot of negative problems,such as destroying the appearance and the historical value of the reconstruction areas.Moreover,Central is rich in history and home to many people.A lot of residents have been living and working in those streets for decades so that they love their home and those streets very much and they do not want to let go of the neighbourhood.Furthermore,I think it is a shame to ruin the history of Central because those streets symbolize the different eras in the past century in Central.
In conclusion,I think the government should preserve the old districts and streets because those areas were full of human touch and the architectures are valuable.Moreover,I think there should be an alternative way to renovate the old Central that the government should take part in heritage conservation in order to promote the tourism as a lot of tourists want to visit Hong Kong’s historical architectures and streets so that it can also boost the economy.

Furthermore,I think the government should keep the streets in order to keep the traditional cultures since there are still a lot of small shops and businesses.If the government can cooperate with the heritage activists and the residents,I am sure that it will be a win-win situation.

回答 (1)

2010-04-09 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please see my answers/comments in red.

Heritage conservation of Wing Lee Street and Ladder Street in Central has become a hot issue recently. I admire residents of these two streets, who have lived there for many years, and activists who support these residents as they are brave enough to try their best preserving antique buildings and streets there. Nevertheless, I consider that redevelopment of these streets may not be entirely wrong as it has both advantages and disadvantages.

Redevelopment of the Wing Lee Street and Ladder Street by the government can help to improve the living conditions of residents there. Most buildings in these two streets are already in very poor conditions. Renovation of the Wing Lee Street by the government can avoid accidents that may endanger the life of pedestrians and residents. The residents can also make use of the government’s compensation to buy a better house. Moreover, redevelopment of these streets will provide space for the construction of escalators that can relieve the traffic congestion, provide convenience to the elderly, save traveling time of residents in Central and benefit the tourism.

On the other hand, too many redevelopments in Central may create problems. For example, it will distort the appearance of the redevelopment area that will in turn reduce its historical value. Besides, Central is home to many people that have been living there for generations. These residents have strong sentiments towards their homes, neighbours (or neighbourhood) and streets. It is therefore a shame to destruct these streets that symbolize the history of Central for the past centuries.
In conclusion, the government should preserve the old districts and streets in Central as they are places full of sentiments and buildings of architectural significance. The government should think of a better alternative other than redevelopment as conservation of these old streets is not just an act of heritage conservation ... (Continue in opinion session)

2010-04-08 18:54:28 補充:
The small businesses and shops in these streets also represent part of our traditional cultures, which are tourist attractions that help to boost our tourism. If the government can cooperate with the heritage activists and residents, we can have a win-win solution.

(Note : I put the ending here.)

2010-04-08 18:55:32 補充:
See my comments on your original passage.

... Central where they lived (present perfect tense should be used as they are still living there) for many years. ....

2010-04-08 18:56:03 補充:
See my other comments.

... on Wing Lee Street (are you talking this street or both street?),the government renovates the Wing Lee Street can protect the safety (the safety does not require your protection) of passer-by and residents...

2010-04-08 18:56:59 補充:
I need to re-write your essay as the organization is not logical apart from the grammatic errors.

Hope that this will be helpful to you.

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