unemployment rate

2010-04-08 11:57 pm
suppose top quality mainland students stay and work in HK after their graduation and the total number of job positions in HK remains unchanged.
i) Explain how this situation would affect the unemployment rate in HK

WHY unemployment rate in HK will INCREASE???
labour force 上升我明呀,
但點解個答案會話unemployed population increases????
嘜唔係unemployed population unchanged 咩??

回答 (1)

2010-04-09 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, the number of job position remains unchanged.

Besides, the % rise of unemployed ppl is greater than the% rise in labour force, so, the unemployment rate rises.

I know how you think of this question.
the question only mentioned that those mainland graduates WILL stay and work in hong kong.
But, it doesnt mean that those graduates have got a job.

You should know that there is no additional jobs available.
Once they are graduated, the need to find jobs.
Here, they have already been counted as unemployed population

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 21:53:21
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