
2010-04-08 11:27 pm
請給我1篇50字以內的english new report(只是一件新聞)(report內容不要太複習)(D字要比較易讀)Thank you!!!!!!


回答 (2)

2010-04-09 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

Red Shirt Army outdone, one leaders Alisimeng announced: "We will (to Government) war. Longer negotiations." He called rural Red Shirts Qiwang City Hall assembly. Abhisit announced emergency orders reflected authorities Bangkok its surrounding two governments implemented domestic security law has uncontrollable chaos emergency make authorize military restore order, authorities also suspend conferred civil liberties, ban any five above public meetings. Government entitled taken series emergency measures including curfews, restrictions published, arrest suspects personnel, confiscation suspicious property, monitor telephone, blockade highway, mandatory immigration.

2010-04-13 19:13:56 補充:

2010-04-08 11:51 pm
土瓜灣塌樓慘劇令全港舊樓住客成為驚弓之鳥。大角嘴 一幢40多年樓齡的商住大廈,住客近日發現牆身上一條裂痕在擴大,懷疑是隔鄰地盤打樁所致。一家英文報章報道:Residents of an old Mong Kok block worried that (their block) too would topple yesterday after a 30cm gap opened up. They said the gap... had begun widening when piling work on a construction site started. 同一段新聞又說,屋宇署 的測量師認為,The block was safe and there was no evidence the gap had widened recently or that it was related to the piling works.
參考: 比最佳我!!

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