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Earlier answers have some mistakes. 001 is quite good. 002 is totally unacceptable. Correct answers (in blue) with explanations (in red) are given below. Hope that they are helpful to you.
再给我多一次(one more)机会吧
Please give me one more chance. or
Would you please give me one more chance?
妳參與(participate, join is not correct)過什麼類型的活動呀(It is an account of your past experience, present perfect tense should be used. Use of simple past tense is definitely incorrect.)?
What kind of activities have you participated?
這價格(price)已包含服務費(service charge)?
Does this price include service charge? or
Has this price included service charge?
Menu, please.
Do you serve (or provide) any free drinks (beverages)?
‘Do you have any free drinks?’ is grammatically correct. However, the meaning is not accurate enough (We have free drinks - but not for you!)
什麼飲品(Which drinks/beverages, but not what kind of drinks. If you ask ‘what kind of …’ The response can be ‘There are thousands of non-alcoholic drinks in the market, but we (the restaurant) have none. See the difference?)是沒有酒精 (non-alcoholic) 的呀?
Which drinks/beverages are non-alcoholic?
May I have some more? (When asking question, you usually need to add ‘some’ before more. The answer will be ‘Yes, you can have some more drink/food. You should not use ‘Could you …’ as you are making a request. )
I would like to have a takeaway (‘takeaway’ is an adjective here) meal C (meal C but C meal. You are writing English but not Chinese). or
I would like to have a meal C takeaway (‘takeaway’ is a noun here)