
2010-04-08 11:55 am

回答 (1)

2010-04-09 1:26 am
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Indeed, there is not much veterinary college in Australia , plus they are all very good. Seems there is no ranking for Australian vet school on the internet.

目前,澳洲僅有4座城市的大學開設獸醫學位課程。但是,只有與農村有關的獸醫技巧才可得到資格認證 。所以,有兩個設立在農村地區,並針對農村所需技巧的新課程取得了資格認證。


雖然一些本科課程著重獸醫學科,但所有本科課程都堅持培養學生的獸醫技巧、注重實習工作,並且在獸醫診所或有時在農場獸醫站中實習。部分的Year 4學生要同時兼顧學校的課業和診所的工作。



In W.Australia , Murdoch U offers an initial BSc in Veterinary Biology course, followed with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. The course is being restructured to further emphasise training in clinical skills.

A brand new faculty at the U of Adelaide in S.Australia is accepting students for the first time in 2008. They offer an initial 3 year Bachelor of Science (Animal Science Pre-veterinary) followed by another 3 years to obtain a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. This course focus on the needs of Australian livestock production, equine health, aquaculture and biosecurity issues.

Melbourne U n Sydney U hv been educating veterinarians longer than other Australian universities and offer well-rounded veterinary degrees with outstanding companion animal and equine facilities. Melbourne University ’s McKinnon Project provides practical links with southern extensive animal production systems. Over the last few years Sydney has upgraded its commitment to teaching production animal medicine with the support of local industry groups. Both Sydney n Melbourne offer cosmopolitan lifestyle and attractions for the precious free hours students will find for relaxation.

If u are seeking quiet n solace of a country education, Charles Sturt University in Wagga, Riverina district of NSW has been operating its 6yr course for 3 years with an emphasis on those seeking rural veterinary careers. Like other new veterinary schools, CSU has been seeking innovative ways of teaching and training veterinary students.

2010-04-08 17:28:06 補充:
Places in veterinary faculties in Australia are limited, but there hv never been more faculties or places available for enthusiastic and committed students. Below is a list of websites for info on enrolling in the best veterinary faculties in the world.

2010-04-08 17:28:25 補充:

2010-04-08 17:29:06 補充:
>The entrance requirement of vet is really very very high. Please think it though if u r qualified.
>Studying Vet in Australian often requires first degree. Furthermore, the tuition fee + living cost is not cheap for international students. u'd better discuss with your parents.

2010-04-08 17:29:16 補充:
> Vet involves horse/poultry/crocodile etc, not just those cutie puppies as u think. Please make sure u r really interested in it or at least wont be afraid.

Good Luck!!
參考: Myself + Web

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