A very urgent question

2010-04-08 10:18 am
1. A trolley moves towards the right with acceleration a. A small block of mass m in front of the trolley. There are two forces F1(friction) and F2 (Normal reaction) acting the block by the trolley.

a) If the acceleration of the trolley is furtherincreased, what are the effects on:
i) the force F1:
ii) the force F2.

回答 (2)

2010-04-08 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your question means that the block is being pushed by the trolley to move forward, so that it hangs in mid air wihtout falling down. Under such situation, the force F1 is acting upward, whereas the force F2 is acting towards the right.

If the above interpretation is correct, then we have,
F1 = mg
and F2 = ma

It is clear to see that when a is increased, F2 increases accordingly. F1, which is independent of a, remains unchanged.
2010-04-09 3:32 am
Is the Q be "A block moves towards the right with acceleration a?"
If so, then
F1 = ma
and F2 = mg

It is clear to see that when a is increased, F1 increases accordingly. F2, which is independent of a, remains unchanged.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:34:39
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