Dodger fans, what do you think of Manny for 2010?

2010-04-07 9:12 pm
Now that he said that he doesn't want to play in LA next year, how do you think he will perform? We all remember how Manny Being Manny was when he was tired of Boston. What do you think will happen?

I'm not very familiar with the Dodgers' fans' opinions, so I'm really curious what the general consensus is.

回答 (6)

2010-04-07 9:39 pm
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Ok. im a fan that watches them every single day and goes on the team site and reads everything. from hat ive learned the last month, its pretty sure that hes not coming back next year so i think that's been established. I think he will do well for one reason: If he doesn't he knows his career is over. Players tend to play better their contract year so other clubs will take them. As he stand now, no one will offer him what he wants. This is the first year since hes been with us that he has tried hard through spring training and showed up on time. Hes actually trying for once in his life to do well. Whether he WILL do well is a total different story. I think he will do better than last year (after 50 game suspension) but not as well as we know hes been in the past.
2010-04-08 5:21 am
Manny never said he didn't want to play in LA anymore, he said he didn't expect to be resigned by the Dodgers after this season, which is what everybody was already expecting but Manny being Manny blurted out his inner thoughts which he was suppose to keep to himself for politics reasons. Manny is going to go wherever Manny can get the most money. I'm sure if the Dodgers wanted to pay him 20 million just to sit on the bench, he would totally resign with the Dodgers. Realistically that is not going to happen.

So keep in mind it's a contract year, and Manny actually worked out for once in the off season. I've seen him play a couple of spring training games and he certainly looks more in shape than he did last year. Defensively he's like a tad better and he's doing pretty well from the bat so far. Manny is not going to slouch when he knows a decent season can mean some AL team will pay big $$$ this off season.

He hit 19 HR with 60 or so RBI and averaged .290 in a 100 games last year (which was a bad year for him). This year with Kemp and Ethier in front of him and playing 140 to 150 games or so I see:

27 HR .295 AVG 98 RBI 90 R
2010-04-08 4:32 am
he will either accept an offer from the dodgers or a lower one form another team and if he does not like it than he won't play. and i think that if the dodgers make it to the world series this year he will change his mind. he has potential even when he does not try he can still get you good but when he is playing well and trying he is even better.
2010-04-08 4:59 am
Manny Ramirez will become free agent after 2010 Major League Baseball season, but we don't know if Manny going to sign another team for 2011 Major League Baseball season or not.
2010-04-08 4:23 am
.250 12 homers
2010-04-08 5:23 am
If you have watched Manny this year, he looks like he has put on 20-30 pounds, grew an extra chin, & slowed way down...

He looks like he can no longer catch up to the mid 90's fastball, I think Manny will retire after this year. I dont see anyone putting up with him for just another guy, when he was one of the elite hitters in the game people looked past the whole Manny being Manny thing, but after the hitting stops the love affair stops & most people cant stand him!

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