check my english...10分~

2010-04-08 2:30 am

In 2004 Guangdong home appliance export market has increased to 197 countries. There are more than 100million U.S. dollars in 20 countries. But most home appliances mainly export to America, Europe Union and Hong Kong.In 2007, Guangdong mostly exports televisions to United States and Europe Union respectively. They are 5.838 million sets and 363.8 sets. Comparing with 2007, they have reduced 36.9% and 46.3%. The rate of exporting the Cathode ray tube televisions (CRT TV) has declined sharply. But the rate of exporting liquid-crystal display televisions (LCD TV) have risen rapidly. In 2007, Guangdong exports CRT TV 12.66 million sets and has decreased 24.6%. However, Guangdong exports LCD TV 10.31 million set and has increased 36.7%.[11]

2008年,廣東家電出口至美國110.1億美元,增長9.7%,出口品種主要是彩電、DVD播放機、電風扇;對歐盟出口83.8億美元,增長8%,出口品種主要為空氣調節器、DVD播放機、數碼相機;對香港出口84.2億美元,大幅下降24.3%,出口品種主要為數碼相機、DVD播放機、揚聲器。在廣東家電對歐美出口增長不足1成,對香港出口大幅下降的情況下,並且隨著歐盟、美國不斷提高進口家電的技術壁壘、環保門檻和反傾銷,因此,為了改變廣東家電出口對美國市場的依賴性,及時調轉市場的出口方向,廣東企業 應把目光投向了拉美、東歐、非洲和東南亞地區,廣東家電企業的產品線比較適合這些國家和地區的市場需求,具有比較優勢\
In 2008, there was 110.1 billion U.S. dollars for Guangdong home appliance exports to United States. It has grown 9.7%. There was 83.8 billion U.S. dollars for Guangdong home appliance exports to Europe Union and it has increased 8%. The mainly home appliances such as air conditioner, DVD player and digital camera. There was 84.2 8 billion U.S. dollars for Guangdong home appliance exports to Hong Kong and it has reduced 24.3%. The mainly home appliances such as DVD player and digital camera. From above, the rate of Guangdong exports to Europe and America is no more 10% increasing and the rate of Guangdong exports to Hong Kong has reduced sharply.

Moreover, Europe and United States have protectionism and anti-dumping against importing goods. Thus, it changes the attitude of Guangdong electrical appliance industry.


It makes them focus on the foreign market such as East-Europe, Africa and Asian. Guangdong’s home appliance is more suitable their market demand.

回答 (3)

2010-04-09 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

Since 2004, the number of Guangdong’s major export markets of home appliances have increased to 197 countries, where 20 of them have export values over 100 million US dollars. Nevertheless, home appliances produced in Guangdong are still mainly exported to United States (US), European Union(EU) and Hong Kong.

In 2007, the number of Guangdong’s television sets exported to its top two markets, US and EU, decreased by 36.9% and 46.3% to 5.838 million and 3.638 million respectively. The export volume of CRT television sets was 12.66 million, decreased significantly by 24.6% and accounted for 54.8% of the total export volume of televisions. Meanwhile, the export volume of flat panel television sets (including LCD and plasma television sets) increased drastically by 36.7% to 10.31 million.

In 2008, export of Guangdong’s home appliances (mainly television sets, DVD players and electric fans) to US increased by 9.7% to 10.01 billion US dollars. Export of home appliances (mainly air-conditioners, DVD players and digital cameras) to EU in the corresponding period increased by 8% to 8.38 billion US dollars. On the other hand, export of domestic appliances (mainly digital cameras, DVD players and amplifiers) to Hong Kong decreased significantly by 24.3% to 8.42 billion US dollars.
With the drastic decrease in the export volume to Hong Kong, a less than 10% export growth to US and EU markets and the implementation of more strict technology barrier, environmental protection requirements and anti-dumping policy in US and EU, there is a pressing need for Guangdong to reduce its reliance on the US market and to switch its export orientation. Guangdong’s enterprises should focus on Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia markets as their home appliance products have a comparative advantage in coping with the demands of these markets.

2010-04-08 21:26:40 補充:
Well done! Your essay is already good enough. Nevertheless, as promised, I have suggested some amendments to make the essay better organised. That will be my pleasure if I can of assistance in future.
2010-04-09 7:17 am
The article you wrote is about Guangdong's exports of home appliances to the US, EU,Hong Kong and other regions in 2004 and 2007. I suggest that you had better use the past tense and the perfect tense if appropriate.
2010-04-08 11:41 am


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