English problem~

2010-04-07 7:27 am
The Consumer Council has received 97 complaints so far this year about yoga courses, with late or non-delivery of classes accounting for 74 of them

I dont know what the mean of "with late or non-delivery of classes accounting for 74 of them "
have anyone can help to explain ? thanks

回答 (2)

2010-04-08 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
accounting for 不是會計班的

是一個phrase:account for的gerund

account for意思是由於/解譯一件事。

這句with late or non-delivery of classes accouting for 74 of them.意思是

下次見到account for/accounted for/accounting for可以試解為「由於」「因為」「關乎」「解釋」而跟會計或計算沒有關係的。
2010-04-07 7:34 am
This means there are 74 yoga courses which were either started later than the original scheduled starting date, or have not started at all.

2010-04-06 23:34:51 補充:
to the person above -- how does 會計班 relate to Yoga???

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