
2010-04-07 2:19 am
1. As shown in the figure, a 3-kg mass is being pulled by a string such that the mass is accelerating uniformly to the right. Suddenly, the string breaks. Estimate the acceleration of the mass just before the string breaks, given that the maximum tension in the string is 200 N.


The answer is 65.9 ms^-2.

2. 2. In the figure, a ball of mass m falls vertically down on a weighing scale with speed v just before impact. The ball rebounds with the same speed after the impact as shown. If the impact time is t, what will be the average reading of the weighing scale during the impact?


The answer is mg + (2mv) / t.


回答 (1)

2010-04-07 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. By F=ma
so a=66.67ms-2
我想問你條線既F係唔係同direction of travel有個angle?
有既就變成 Fcos(angle)=ma 嫁wor?

2.By impact=change in momentum
F*t=mv-m(-v) (since take downward direction as positve)
so the force exerted on the scale is weight+ F
參考: myself studying in AL physics

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